Welcome to Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center's website! Our site holds a wealth of information about the services and programs we offer for our regional community as well as general health news, a provider listing and career opportunities.
I believe we have an outstanding staff – physicians, clinical and support personnel – whose ultimate goal is to provide you with the best care possible in a respectful and compassionate manner. We are continually looking for new ways to be better at what we do. Please don't hesitate to let us know what we can do to make your visit to Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center more comfortable. As a fundamental component of our mission statement, we allow ourselves to be guided by the needs of those we serve. As needs change, we will change.
Again, thank you for allowing us to serve you during what is most likely a very vulnerable time in your life. I appreciate the significant trust you place in us!
Lori Persohn,
Vice President, Patient Services & CNO