Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center is proud to offer two exceptional options when deciding where to have your outpatient procedure performed. The Outpatient Center, located at the main hospital, and the Memorial Outpatient Surgery Center, at the St. Thomas Medical Center, both offer exceptional care in a top quality outpatient environment.
At the
Memorial Outpatient Center, patients will receive top quality care from our experienced surgical
team in an outpatient setting. Our commitment to being the preferred health
and wellness provider by transforming lives through faith-based, compassionate
care guides our knowledgeable staff to deliver the essential care needed
to get you well and back on your feet.
At the Memorial Outpatient Surgery Center, we provide state-of-the-art care with four operating suites and two procedure rooms, of which include endoscopy suites. The outpatient surgery center is located near the main hospital campus. The mission of the Memorial Outpatient Surgery Center is to provide the necessary care and treatment through surgeries and procedures.
At Memorial Hospital, we provide many outpatient surgical options for the convenience of our patients. Please click on the services below or ask your provider for more information on your outpatient options: