Many aspects of your health are impacted by the food you eat. Dieting is not always about weight loss. Many people create new diets to address specific health concerns such as high blood pressure and excessive stress. Our registered dietitians provide individual and group nutrition education sessions for specific health conditions including cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, hypertension, sports, and weight loss, along with general nutrition.
Every person has a different body type and metabolism. While general diet guidelines can help you eat healthier, there is no one-size-fits all diet that can help you achieve specific goals. Your diet needs to be built from the ground up based on information from your medical history, eating habits, and current medical condition.
If you have very specific goals in mind for your new diet, then you should speak with your primary care provider before starting. It can be hard to find trustworthy nutritional information online, and it can be easy to feel overwhelmed and confused from the tremendous amount of contradictory guides found on the internet. When you enroll in our nutrition program, you will have help building your diet from Registered Dieticians. Unlike a standard nutritionist, Registered Dieticians have to undergo rigorous training and certification before they can call themselves RDs. Registered Dieticians have a solid understanding of how to build a healthy diet around an individual’s unique needs.
When working with our team, you will have a solid resource for support, encouragement, and advice as you work towards your dietary goals.
If you would like to have a nutrition consultation or have specific questions regarding your diet, please call the Food & Nutrition Services staff at 812.996.0521.