Nearly all employers in Indiana are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This means that when an employee is injured on the job, their employer’s insurance carrier may be involved with the medical treatment and expenses. Because of this, it is important that accurate records of the patient’s treatment are maintained.
At Memorial Health Employer Services, we provide same-day treatment of all injuries that occur at a workplace. We also provide follow-up to the company so that they can make the appropriate accommodations in the workplace and with their insurance carrier.
Memorial Health Employer Services is located at 695 West 2nd Street, Suite A1 in Jasper, IN and can be contacted at 812.996.5750.
We emphasize return-to-work treatment programs for patients dealing with a workers’ compensation injury. While we are aware that returning to work is important for employees and employers, we put patient safety before all else, and we will write out a restricted duty recommendation if we believe it is necessary.
Injury treatment can include care for:
Communication on initial injuries includes both written documentation as well as a follow-up call by nursing staff. Our team uses a Medical Authorization for Treatment form for workers' compensation cases. This ensures that we have authorization from the patient allowing release of treatment information, as well as applicable work restrictions and return to work instructions. This gives Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center authorization to see and treat the patient and charge services as a workers' compensation billing. Patients who present for services will be requested to present either with the form, or will be requested to sign this form before services are rendered.
We also offer a quick assessment and follow-up of all traumatic and repetitive trauma injuries. When a referral to a specialist is made, our team helps facilitate communication between patients and their employers so that everyone is on the same page.