It is estimated that 29.1 million people have diabetes, a disease in which your blood glucose or sugar level is too high. Diabetes can cause damage to your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and can also cause heart disease and strokes. Diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States. Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center offers to help people with diabetes work to take steps to control the disease and lower their risk of complications.
Memorial Hospital offers a wide variety of classes to help those with diabetes whether newly diagnosed or living with diabetes for years. The classes are facilitated by certified diabetes educators. Participants will learn how to control their diabetes using medication, self-monitoring, nutrition, and physical activity. Participants are encouraged to bring a spouse, friend, or family member.
Classes offered include:
Classes are offered on a continual basis. Pre-registration is required by calling (812) 996-0521. Classes are held in the Medical Arts Building, Suite 120 (lower level).