Every newly hired nurse will attend HR orientation in addition to orientation on their respective unit.
Every newly hired nurse will have at least one preceptor on their unit to guide them through unit orientation. The purpose of orientation is to introduce the new hire to policies, procedures, and the social milieu of the hospital, and to ensure competency of skill sets so that safe, competent care is delivered. Preceptors model new skills, observe and help the new nurse with these skills, and evaluate the new nurse accomplishing these skills.
The purpose of mentoring is to encourage, support and guide nurses in their positions so that they will continue to grow personally and professionally.
Mentors offer a non-judgmental listening ear for the mentee. Depending on what the mentee needs and desires, the mentor may help with continued socialization within the institution, communication, career goals, and problem solving. Every newly hired nurse will have a mentor assigned to them and will be mentored for six months following the completion of unit orientation.
Onboarding for Success
The Nurse Onboarding for Success Program is designed to be comprehensive, yet individualized, with a dynamic curriculum that reflects best practice. Our focus is easing the transition of the graduate nurse into the hospital environment while utilizing learning activities that promote critical thinking and problem solving including simulation, case studies, and clinical narratives. The program stretches over a 12-month period of time to provide ongoing support through coaching, mentoring, and recognition for new nurses.
For a complete list of benefits, click here.