Mission Statement: Christ’s healing mission of compassion empowers us to be for others through quality and excellence.
At the heart of our mission is Jesus empowering us to be for others as He would. This is why at the heart of our Catholic identity is the invitation to welcome, respect, and serve all people—patients, family members, and caregivers—regardless of their cultural, social, religious, and economic status, as well as personal lifestyles and preferences.
The invitation to care for all comes from our infinite human dignity, which flows from God himself. The Bible tells us that we all are created in the image and according to the likeness of God (Gn 1:26). This means that our value, meaning, and purpose do not come from the abundance or lack of what we do, what we have, how we live, how we look, and what/how we think. Our value, meaning, and purpose essentially come from God who, in his wisdom, created us all with his beauty, goodness, and truth, and yet different.
At Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center, all are welcome! As God has stretched out his arms to draw us to a deep communion with him, we are called to stretch our arms to welcome all to enter into a deep relationship with God and one another. This Godly disposition does not mean we agree with each person’s personal choices. It means that our open arms are a place of acceptance, belongingness, and healing.
“We are bound by the closest ties; we are bound as blood relationships by the Precious Blood of Jesus. We must be one on earth as we hope to be in Heaven.” Venerable Mary Potter, Foundress of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary
Diversity is the presence of unique and varied characteristics that enrich our organization and the communities that we serve. These personal, physical and social characteristics may include but are not limited to: race, ethnicity, spirituality, religious belief, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, gender/gender identity, education and (dis)ability.
Equity is the concept of ensuring fair access to opportunities and resources in a way that supports individual needs while considering systemic barriers.
Inclusion is the action taken to understand and embrace the unique identities and perspectives of all individuals so that all feel welcomed, valued and supported.