Memorial Hospital’s Auxiliary consists of over 500 dedicated men and women who care about the health of people in the communities we serve. One of the goals of the auxiliary is to raise funds to support hospital efforts. The Auxiliary does this by hosting an annual quilt raffle and by operating the hospital's 800 Gift Shop.
There are approximately 25-30 workers in the 800 Gift Shop. They run one person on a shift or sometimes two during sales events or busy times. They come in, open up, and close; it’s their shop when they’re working. They put things out, do restocking…"all of it”. The hospital gift shop volunteers’ age range is wide, from high school teens to those in their eighties, and there are always openings for more gift shop personnel.
Whatever profits come from the 800 Gift Shop, the dollars directly benefit patients or their families. Funneling through Memorial Hospital Auxiliary, this support group of concerned men and women care about the hospital and the health of our communities; the profits from the gift shop are reinvested back into the facility.
In the past two years, the auxiliary purchased over $200,000 worth of items for multiple areas within the hospital or at some of our regional clinics. Some items were calendar clocks for Critical Care patients, a Vera Transfer Device, children's furniture for the waiting room at the Outpatient Behavioral Health Center, chairs and a scale for Respiratory Therapy, and new waiting room furniture for Petersburg Family Medicine. Other items were IV pumps and an Arm Breathing Monitor for the Emergency Department, recliners and sofas for the Women and Infant Services Department, a remodel of the Women’s Center, a Moonbeam Sanitizer for Environmental Services, Parallel Bars for IRC unit, IPads for our Home Care Department, a Clearsight System for Critical Care unit, Metal Detectors for Behavioral Health and Emergency Department, a Tilt table/Stress Loading Device for Rehab Services, provide Nitrous Oxide for Labor Patients in Women & Infant Services, EKG Software available for ED physicians, and much more!
In addition, and in memory of the late Sr. M. Adrian Davis, LCM, the Auxiliary also paid for the large hospital logo that is atop the triangular column to the right of the Mary statue outside at the main entrance. The Auxiliary also gives college scholarships to teenage volunteers who work in the hospital for a minimum of two years with 80 hours of donated time.
Memorial Hospital and Health Care Center would not be what it is today without the assistance, caring, and dedication of the Auxiliary members. This program is vitally important to the hospital’s success, and more importantly, is MOST appreciated. That said there is still a need so anyone wishing to become a member of the Auxiliary may do so.
For information about becoming an Auxiliary member, please contact Angie Anderson